Friday, February 4, 2011

Why This Blog and How It Works...

Yesterday I was listening to talk radio and there seemed to be such gloom and doom.  Between Obama Care, the situation in Egypt, the Mexican drug cartel with ties to Baltimore, and on and on, it's easy to feel like things are in a downward spiral.  I began to think how different (and not in a good way) life may be for my kids when they are my age and are raising kids of their own.  But then, that is exactly why I wanted to start this blog.  It isn't all gloom and doom!  There is a tremendous amount of goodness, truth, and beauty in our world.  Even if the news outlets, talk shows, and papers aren't talking about it...its all around us.  When I dwell on the good, things don't seem as bleak, and I look forward to my kids' future with hope.  This is not to say that the bad doesn't exist, it most certainly does.  But, as I  raise my kids to be leaders who will work toward the good and battle against the darkness, it is the good that I look to for both motivation and inspiration.  There are amazing people out there who are using their gifts and talents to light candles in the darkness of the world.  They are writing books, blogs, and articles, creating music, recording podcasts, making movies, helping others through charities and ministries, and so much more!  When I dwell on these things I am very optimisitc and it inspires me to light a candle myself.

And so this is my contribution, my candle.  Each post on my blog will highlight something that I see as GOOD, TRUE, or BEAUTIFUL (GTB).  My post will introduce it and then I will add it to the list under the appropriate tab and I will include a link if possible.  I am excited to see these lists grow and I welcome comments and suggestions for other GTB things to include.  Please share this blog with your that together we can spread the light.  As a disclaimer, when I list something on this blog, it doesn't necessarily endorse everything that a particular person has produced.  Everyone has the capacity for good, but that doesn't mean that every thing they ever produce is good.  In fact, can any of us make that claim?  So please don't be upset with me if I include something from someone who has also done something you object to.  For one, I don't have the time to research each person's entire body of work and their views on every issue, and for another, I want to highlight a particular work that I view as GTorB in itself.  Also, remember that while I will attempt to judge items using objective criteria, these lists are my subjective opinion. 

And so it begins.... (did you hear the match strike???)

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